On the Poets

Brent Newsom is Assistant Professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University. His poetry has appeared in Cave Wall, Tar River Poetry, and elsewhere.

Becca J. R. Lachman teaches and tutors writing at Ohio University and is a graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars. Her first book of poems, The Apple Speaks, was published by Cascadia Publishing House (2012).

Sarah Wells is the author of Pruning Burning Bushes from Wipf and Stock Publishers (2012). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Ascent, The Common, Nimrod, and elsewhere. Sarah serves as Managing Editor for the Ashland Poetry Press and River Teeth.

Marjorie Maddox is Director of Creative Writing and Professor of English at Lock Haven University.

Mary M. Brown is Professor of English and Chair of the Division of Modern Language and Literature at Indiana Wesleyan University. She has published poetry in many journals including Fourth River, and The Christian Century.

Jennifer Hurley currently teaches English at Valparaiso High School. Her writing has appeared in various literary publications, including Etchings and Valparaiso Poetry Review.

Steven Walters lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Cumberland Review, Kestrel, and elsewhere.

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